Thursday, December 25, 2008

Our First Christmas

7:00 a.m. rolls around and Dave's little sister decided she needed to call Dave to tell him what Santa brought her. I was not planning on waking up until about 7:30 but Dave was so excited after talking to Katelyn that he was just dying to open our Christmas presents. Dave got me a really pretty jewelery box, a necklace and earrings, a new blow dryer, new earphones for my ipod, and lots of stocking stuffers and other gifts!! I got Dave a new Carharrt vest, a puffy blue vest, ipod accessories, sunflower seeds, a couple John Deere tractors and some stocking stuffers! We both got just what we wanted from each other, it was AWESOME. I'm really good with the self timer on the camera! Dave's new John Deere tractor ornaments and his new headphones! He's a happy camper!

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