Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Joining Team Baby Boy!

Yep! It's a boy! I had my ultrasound yesterday and the nurse is 99.9% sure that it's a boy because she's not allowed to say she is 100% sure! I can honestly say that this ultrasound was the most exciting thing so far in my pregnancy. To see the little baby all snuggled up and kicking it's little legs was priceless. The poor thing was sleeping though so to get it to move into a good position to see between the legs we had to try to wake him up. It took a little while but he did it! The baby was nice and healthy and all of the measurements were great and the heartrate was good. One thing that I thought was so cool is that they can see all 4 chambers of the heart and they are able to make sure that the heartrate is the same in all 4 chambers. Interesting, huh? Well, Dave was very excited and was grinning from ear to ear. We are SOOO excited and can't wait to meet him! Ultrasound pictures are so hard to see. This is the profile of the baby. His arms were draped over his face the whole time so they weren't able to get a great shot of his profile. This is the front of his face...he looks like an alien!! These are his cute little tiny feet!! SO CUTE! And there is an arrow pointing to the area that determines whether it's a boy or a girl. Clearly, it's a boy!!


Chelsie Sanders said...

I'm so excited for you guys! What are some names your thinking?

Todd and Elaine Henke said...

AHHHH!!! Yeah for twinner due dates and twinner babies!!!! :) I'm so happy for you guys!! Isn't the ultrasound the greatest!!! Just think!! We're half-way to seeing the little ones in real life!!!!! :)

Casey and Amy said...

How exciting!!! I'm happy for you guys!!

April said...

Yay!! I am so excited for you guys!! I cant wait until he gets here either!

Let me know details about a baby shower. Those are some fun business!

The Chambers Family said...

Yay team BOY! I am super excited for you guys! :)

Toni said...

Congrats Kalei!! You will make a cute mommy!

Julianne Howes said...

Yay! Congrats! Boys are so fun!!!!